Engage Your Website Visitors and Convert
Website Visitors into Subscribers & Clients
Research shows that most of your site visitors will decide within the first 2 seconds whether it’s worth their time to explore further your site or to navigate away and keep looking…
Is your website set up to Invite Prospective Clients to Engage with You…?
NEW HERE? Here are a few articles that you might find useful:
*No worries, they open in a new tab
How to Get Coaching Clients with Your Website – PART 2: Create a Powerful Headline
5 Steps to Getting Your Blog Posts Read and Acted On
How to Get Coaching Clients, PART 11 – Enroll More Clients with Networking
How to Get Coaching Clients, PART 4: Four Steps to Picking a Profitable Niche
5 Ways to Power-up Your Content to Engage Your Website Visitors
Here are 5 tips that will help you transform your website’s home-page & your landing pages into a Lead-Generation & Client-Enrollment Tool:
1. Have a Highly Visible Opt-in, Irresistible Offer!
This offer should be on the top of the page, instantly seen by your website visitor - could be on the right side-bar; or on the left; or the middle of the page – it doesn't really matter, as long as it's on the top and highly visible. It should be the first thing that attracts your website visitor's eyes.
2. Your irresistible/opt-in offer should Address your Ideal client’s Main Frustration, Challenges, or Burning Desire
Ask yourself: “What keeps my ideal client up at night? What solution is my ideal client searching for…?” And offer a possible solution in your opt-in offer (7-Part eCourse; 10-Days to…; Join the 5-Day Challenge…; etc.)
More often than not, your irresistible offer is in some way a "tweak" of your headline. For example, if the headline is “Do You Feel Overwhelmed and Unproductive...” — your irresistible/opt-in offer could be:
Double Your Productivity in 15 Days
Enter Your Name and eMail Address Below
to Sign up for the 15-Day eCourse!
3. Understand that the PRIMARY PURPOSE of your website is to Get Your Clients' Contact Info (generate ideal client leads) - hence the importance of the highly visible irresistible offer.
You’ve heard it many times that “People do business with people they know, like, and trust.” By getting your website visitors’ contact info you get a chance to develop a relationship with them and accomplish those three “goals” (know, like, trust). And if your headline and irresistible offer are well worded (worded based on your Ideal Clients' Needs), you’ll capture only the contact info of those who need what you have to offer - that is, you'll be capturing your Ideal Clients' contact info.
If you are selling a premium-priced service or product(as we coaches do), and your goal is to generate sales from the first time someone visits your website, that’s like asking someone to marry you on the first date…
I‘m not saying that it can’t happen – once in a blue moon, it will (once every year or two) – but it’s just not realistic. However, If you have your powerful headline that talks to your ideal client's needs; you have your irresistible – and highly visible – offer on your site, which also addresses your ideal client's most burning needs; you’ll capture your ideal client’s contact info and you just gained a new member for your “tribe of followers.” Now it's only a matter to communicate with this person, and develop that "know, like, and trust" factor....
4. Develop a plan to Stay in Touch with your Tribe of Followers
They trusted you with their contact info, now it’s your turn to provide them value by over-delivering and exceeding their expectations. Over-delivering in the sense of providing great value, and provide that great value packaged professionally. These days it's fairly easy to create great, professional-looking Pdf.s, great Infographics, etc.
5. Make sure to Add Engagement-Building calls to action in your email messages
... such as
– “Got questions? Hit Reply and ask away… I’m always just an email away…”
– direct them to additional resources on your website
– invite them for a free consult or complimentary session
– send them to watch a video related to the topic - make sure it's a video you created (or at least make sure the video is embedded on your website)
– invite them to your upcoming webinars… and send them the link to the recording, if they can’t attend (or don't send it to them, if you want them to attend your live events)
The key is to engage your list members and develop a relationship with them
Implement the above 5 strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to growing a “Tribe of 1000 True Fans” (a concept popularized by Seth Godin) and if you implement this strategy the right way, you might just find that Getting New Coaching Clients will start becoming a breeze…
Amen to that, right?
Do you need help implementing any of the above?
My tech team is available to you at super-affordable prices. Send me a message to inquire about our rates.
We can help build you create your irresistible offer / your opt-in offers, landing pages, set up your AutoResponder and connect your offers to your website; etc. (or even create your freebie... or if you need, we can create your entire new super-duper cool website); and if you need help with copyrighting, I’m available to help for a nominal fee.
Don't try to do it all on your own - outsource whatever you can, and make sure to outsource to someone who knows what they are doing. I've been coaching since 2003 and helping others build their businesses since 2010. Click HERE to Read Past Clients' Testimonials -- Click HERE to Send me a Message!
Access the previous part, Part 2 of this series here:
How to Create Powerful Headlines & Why You Should Use Powerful Headlines
Next, in Part of this series, we'll talk about
How to Create Powerful Headlines & Why You Should Use Powerful Headlines
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