12 Habits of Highly Successful Life Coaches

Your mindset and the habits you'll adopt will determine the level of success you’ll achieve in your business... and, yes, as well as it'll determine the level of success you'll experience in your personal life.
Here are 12 Mindsets and Habits adopted by the Most Successful Life Coaches:
- Don’t limit yourself to playing small
Have a Grand Vision and believe that you can accomplish your business goals, and get all the help you need in order to make it happen
. - Believe that you have a service the world needs, and act accordingly!
Don’t be shy to promote / offer / share your service with the world – you have solutions that could help solve many people’s pain or help them with their burning desires. People have needs; you have solutions – Don’t Hide Your Light!
Make sure you Understand Your Ideal Clients' Needs, Challenges, and Burning Desires, and offer it to them with confidence!
. - Don’t be afraid to charge what your service is worth
Your time and skills are valuable – share them with the world in exchange for a fair price
. - Don’t try to reinvent the wheel!
Business-building and marketing has been successfully done for years. There are systems in place and fundamental business-strategies that work when applied correctly. Make your life easier – implement business-growth and client-attraction strategies that have already been proven to work; and as importantly, learn to implement them correctly
. - Don’t Stay Stuck(!!!)
A cool quote I read once, said "Don't ever stop! Even if you are on the right track, the train will run you over " - I'm sure it's paraphrased a bit, but you get the gist...
If you don’t know which way to go, ask for directions. If what you are doing doesn’t work, ask someone who knows how to make it work and apply what you learn.Join our Group Coaching Program (the Gold/Committed Level) to get the tutorials and the support you need. You can also ask your questions in our LinkedIn Group and get the input of dozens of experienced coaches - Click Here!
. - Have a Plan
Use a project management tool, such as trello.com to keep track of your tasks and activities, AND make sure to spend at least 2 to 4 hours EVERY DAY on tasks that will get you paying clients. Hint: it’s not blogging, web design, social media, reading emails – instead, learn how to network, how to conduct sales conversations, how to conduct complimentary sessions that convert, how to convert leads into paying clients, and other proven client-enrollment strategies.
Successful coaches have a great Plan of Action and work the plan. If you don't have a professionally developed business-growth and marketing plan, make sure to download the ClientsEnrollmentFunnels 90-Days Marketing Planner - Click HERE to receive the 12-week planner in your eMail inbox.
. - Fail Fast
...and Learn from Each Experience!
Take calculated risks - Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that can happen if I do this?" If you can live with the worse-case scenario, then give yourself the Green Light.
. - Become a life-long student of marketing!
The better you get at marketing your business, the more people will benefit from your services; and probably as importantly, you’ll be making as much money – or more – than you ever dreamed… or perhaps exactly as much as you wanted, but that’s still a pretty good deal, and it all starts with learning to market yourself like a pro!
Keep in mind that the ClientsEnrollmentfunnels program has tutorials, checklists, templates, and action guides specifically designed to grow your Life Coaching business, and you can access them for only $1.00 for 14-days (and if you enroll now, you get to continue at 80% OFF, during the pre-launch period).You’ll also get to attend our support calls* and get some 1-on-one help*.
* Only in pre-launch period; starting in 2020 only the Gold and Platinum levels will be invited to the support calls (Silver level receives support through our support group, currently HERE -- OR click on the COMMUNITY link in the navigation bar, to Join our New Support Group).If you have a better source for high quality, coaching-specific marketing training, go for it – the key is to get trained and get the support you need, so you can start getting paid for your service.
. - Resist the "Shiny Object Syndrome"!
Don't get distracted by the plethora of the "newest, hottest products, processes, and gadgets..! Stay focused on your core services; find marketing strategies that work, and stick to them... while, yes, still learning new effective strategies, but ONLY from reliable sources, and only one at a time! (Do NOT spend your $s on dozens of programs that you never touch!)
. - Market to MANY vs. Marketing to One Person at a Time!
With one-to-one marketing (such as complimentary sessions), you have to convert 100% of your time successfully (if you don't convert your complimentary session, your failure rate for that time-spent is 100%). On the other hand, when marketing to 100s or 1000s (through your newsletter, social media advertising, webinars, radio shows, etc.) even if you only convert 1% of your audience, you already achieved greater results for your time invested than with the 1-to-1 approach.
. - Automate Your Marketing
Successful coaches automate a large part of their marketing and know how to reach 100s - or potentially 1000s of prospects every month (and some, achieve this daily). Have a powerful Free Value Loaded Offer on your website, and Automate its delivery (!). Make sure your freebie is set up in a way that you can send multiple messages to the subscriber, and after you deliver great value, mention your 1-on-1 coaching services.REMEMBER! People do business with people they know, like, and trust. A free offer is the most effective way to achieve this "know, like, & trust" factor.
. - Successful Coaches Do Whatever it Takes, vs spending time with What's Comfortable
They understand that NO SALES = NO INCOME, therefore they commit to learning the most effective marketing strategies and focus on becoming great at implementing those approaches to enrolling coaching clients (vs. settling for what feels "warm and fuzzy," such as blogging, tinkering with improving website, spending time on social media, etc.).
Which of these 12 do you commit to adopt going forward? Commit to implementing one of the above, and plan to implement several more of them in the coming months. Start with one - one that can have the greatest impact - than keep building on it.
If you are a member of ClientsEnrlomentFunnels, we have tutorials for several of the above strategies - Click HERE to explore them! If you are not a member (yet), Click Here for details on how to join!