Congrats for Completing Your Weekly

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What actions can you take today to:

a) Generate 10 to 20 leads (discuss with your coach, if unsure)

b) To Get a New Client (discuss with your coach, if unsure)


What training can you invest your time in AND implement in order to achieve a) or/and b) above?

Click HERE to see your available
training programs and resources!


Do you need 1-on-1 Coaching or Mentoring?

If you are not on a weekly, bi-weekly, or vip plan, contact* E.G. Sebastian to schedule your next session!

✔ Get help identifying your next steps and gain clarity on how to implement those steps

✔  Identify the most effective marketing strategies that are in line with your strengths

✔ Create an Action Plan that’ll help you become highly visible in front of your Target Market

✔ Map out the exact FLOW (or “funnel”) that’ll take your prospects from seeing your offer, all the way to hiring you or investing in your product

✔ Learn how to automate a large part of your marketing activities

* If you did not pay for coaching, there is a fee for this sessionClick HERE to request details!


Do you need a little extra help with the Technology part of your business?

If you need help* with setting up any technology-related components of your business, CLICK HERE and send a message with a description of what you need help with; and don’t forget to ask about our pocket-friendly prices.


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